Exam Upload & FAQ

Uploading Documents to Family ID Registration



Click here for step by step Directions

on how to upload your Medical Eligibility Form 



If you would like to upload more than one file, follow these instructions:

•          If using a MAC: Hold down the 'Command' key and select the documents.

•          If using a PC: Hold down the 'Control' key and select the documents.


*** Remember to Click Submit - not just save ***

Frequent Asked Questions

  • What do I need to Turn in ?
    • As of July 1, 2024 - families only need to submit the Medical Eligibility Form found on Page 5 of the 2024 Sports Physical Packet. 
  • How can I turn in my medical eligibility form? 
    • MEF's may only be turned in through your online registration. 
      • *** Remember to Click Submit - not just save ***
    • Please do not email, fax or turn in a hard copy of your exam.
    • All medical information needs to be in one location and only the user can edit or upload documents to your registration. EHT staff does not have the ability to change any field outside of the internal fields section where you will see your approvals. 
  • What is the physical exam criteria for approval?
    1. Date of ​​​​​​​Exam Completed within 365 days of the first day of tryout
    2. Signed by a physician.
    3. Verification Stamp from the medical office 
    4. Student-Athlete’s legal name on all pages of the documents, matching the registration. 
  • I uploaded my documents, but my status did not change. Why?
    •  Your approval status will not change until it is reviewed by an EHT staff member. This is completed every 72 hours. It is not an automated system. This means a 'not uploaded' status will not change the instant you upload your physical exam.
  • Do I need to email staff when I change or upload my registration documents?
    • No. Our Staff is notified by or online registration platform when changes are made to your registration. 
  • How do I know if my physical was approved?
    • When your documents are reviewed by our medical staff, You will receive an email when your approval status is updated. You may also log in at any time to review your status under the internal fields’ sections but please remember that status will not change until it is personally reviewed by staff.
  • Are shot records/immunizations needed?
    • No, Immunizations are on record when you registered as a student.
  • ​​​​​​​What documents need to be scanned and uploaded?
    • The Medical Eligibility form only.
    • All other NJSIAA and EHT agreements/forms will be completed throughout the registration process.
  • Where can I find a physical exam documents?
    • Under files and links on our Registration Menu of EHTNJAthletics.com​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Pending Clearance
    • Pending clearance will need a second medical clearance note/upload that clears the specific request of the Doctor.
    • Secondary, handwritten notes written directly on a medical eligible form previously marked pending, will not be accepted.
